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祖玛珑 杏桃花与蜂蜜

Jo Malone Nectarine Blossom & Honey, 2005

前调:绿叶 黑加仑 苦橙叶
中调:油桃 洋槐
后调:香根草 桃子 李子

杏桃花蜂蜜香水是Jo Malone于2005年推出的一款花果调香水。绿叶、黑醋栗和苦橙叶带出清新爽洁的前调;中调在油桃和黑洋槐甜蜜的气息中呈现,清晰的油桃味,犹如少女甜美的笑妍;香根草、桃梅和蜂蜜组成的尾调继续散发着水果诱人的芳香,犹如走在果实丰满的果园,甜蜜而满足。


Nectarine Blossom & Honey Cologne

London's Covent Garden early morning market. Succulent nectarine, peach and cassis and delicate spring flowers melt into the note of acacia honey. Sweet and delightfully playful. Now available in a larger, limited edition size.

Jo Malone Nectarine Blossom Honey Cologne

PriceFrom $63.75
Excluding Sales Tax |
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